Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter pictures!

Firstly- Olivia is going great. All her studies- VCUG/Renal U/S & repeat urine tests are completely normal! We are praising God that everything now seems normal.

We braved a hail storm/tornado warning and got family pictures taken at Portrait Innovations before Easter. The girls were great for pictures- despite having to wait for an hour for our appointment. I always thought getting 2 kids to smile & cooperate for the pictures was bad- but three is much worse!! :) As you can see- we some how managed to get a few good ones.

We are amazed that is has been 2 months since Olivia joined our forever family. She has been a true blessing to us! She is so developing so quickly- she now practically runs everywhere. Her favorite things to get into are the dog's food/water & the toilet. Both very disgusting to us when we find her gleefully playing with them! She has over 15 words in her vocabulary- Abbey & Belle are especially proud she says their names now. Abbey & Belle adore Olivia & the feeling seems to be mutual. Belle goes around chanting "I Love you 'Livia" and gives her great big hugs all the time (Imagine a child hugging a squirming kitty & you can just about imagine how it looks!!

Her eating is SLOWLY improving- but we'll take anything we can get. She eats all kinds of hard foods- even a few bananas now. Still a no-go on any spoon-worthy foods- but we will keep trying.

Here's the pictures- enjoy!!