Due to internet access I couldn't blog again before we left- sorry everyone.
Tuesday was a crazy day. We spent the morning playing in the playroom. Olivia seems to hold her own when other kids bully her- she wacked another kid back who tried to take her toy.
We had a quiet lunch then got ready for our Consulate appointment. We were unable to take any photos since hey are not allowed in the consulate. It was strange because we drove for almost an hour to get to the Consulate- which is now in an office buiilding in downtown Guangzhou. Others who had adopted pre-moving the Consultae said the new facility is much nicer- larger, modern & has air conditioning. They had us all declare an oath with about 30 other dfamilies. We then got some official papers- and Olivia was finally completely ours and cleared to come home to the USA!
After packing and repacking 6x I finally stuffed all the things we had accumilated into the luggagge. It is such a pain to have a 44# restriction in country in China- but a 50# international restriction. Somehow I managed to get the heavy stuff in the carry ons, thank goodness they didn't weigh them because they were probably 30# each!
36 hours later we arived home! We started out at 5 AM getting our luggage ready to go in Guangzhou- flew 3 hours to Beijing. It was cold there so out came the winter coats again. See my little peanut peaking out of the carrier beneath my coat!
From there we waited 4 hours in the airport till our 5 PM flight to Newark. 13+ hours later we landed in the USA! We had a 3 hour layover till our last flight to Nashville. Praise God for Brother Andrew who picked us up- because Mike & I were pretty loopy by that point. Suffice to say we are glad to be on American soil! Olivia slept like a little trouper on all the flights. I of course can't sleep and got a total of 2 hours in 36 hours by the time we reached Tennessee.
Grandma & Carol were very glad to finally meet Olivia. She was a little leary after having cried herself to sleep in the carseat on the 90 minute drive from the airport. We were all grateful when she fell asleep because the sceaming was gettin on all our nerves! Isabella woke up when got in. She was grumpy but VERY glad to see us. She wasn't too sure about Olivia- she kept giving her the evil eye - especially if I was holding Olivia or giving her attention. Isabella threw a real fit when Mike put her back to sleep. She just cried. We think she was afraid she would wake up & we'd be gone again like when we left for China. She kept crying don't leave!!
We all got about 6 hours sleep- even Olivia. Not bad since our bodies thought it was broad daylight on China time. I am happy to say everyone is playing together better today. Its great to see all my girls sharing and cooperating. I guess I should enjoy it since it probably won't last long!
And lastly today-
The 12 top reasons while I am glad we are back in America:
#12-Fresh fruits & vegetables!!! I so crazed a salad while I was there but didn't want to risk Montezumas revenge! I especially craved the fresh strawberries we saw in the market places.
#11-Not having to worry I am going to get a disease if I swallow shower water or rinse my toothbrush with tap water. Thankfully none of us got sick while we were there! I did have to sterilize my toothbrush umpteenth times because I would forget & rinse it with sink water.
#10-American plumbing- Prasie God we can finally just flush the toilet- toilet paper and all and not worry about the toilet backing up! Not to mention the smell is a whole lot nicer.
#9-Lower humifditiy- my hair doen't look like a frizz ball 1/2 hour after I flat ironed the begeebies out of it
#8-Everyone speaks English!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#7-Forks are not an optional utensil at restaurants- and the spoons aren't the gigatitic serving size or large Chinese size
#6- REAL icecream!!!!!! Abbey & I enjoyed a frozen yogurt at the airport- yum!!! The ice cream in China just tasted slightly off from what we are used too
#5-Coffee with real 1/2 & 1/2!! They tried in China but outside of Starbucks the coffee was like motoroil and no amount of carnation evaporated milk or cremora could doctor the taste!
#4-You don't have to do mental math to figure out the time at home- it is what it is!!
#3-Soft beds!!!! Its pretty bad when the carpeted floor in the payroom was softer than the mattress on our bed at the White Swan Hotel-(and every other bed we slept on on China for that matter)
#2-Driving is not a kamakazee experience & I can walk without someone bumping into me! I am so tired of the rude- cutting-in-line and grabbing me behavior- especially if you were in a market place
#1-Our family is now complete!! I missed Isabella so much, I swear she grew 2 inches!!!!!!!! It is nice to finally be home amongst family again. Especially since Grandma & Carol cleaned my house from top to bottom!! How awesome is that? I leave it dirty and come back to it spotless!! Thanks Vi & Carol!!!!!!!
This is our journey to complete our family. In 2009 we traveled to China to adopt our third daughter Olivia.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday- Feb 23rd-Red Couch photos
We didn't really hsve a lot going on today. We spent some time playing in playroom in the White Swan hotel. It 's equippped by Mattel and has numerous mostly toddler toys for the kids to blow off some steam. Olivia seemed to enjoy it & didn't seem too overwhelmed.
We snarfed down a quick sandwich after play time & had a minor breakthrough. Olivia actually ate a dozen small pieces of my bun from my subway sandwich!!! :) She actually seemed to enjoy it too!! Its the first thing she's eaten she didn't fight us on it. Praise God!! Keep praying for God's hand to heal her of this food aversion.
We all met later at the "red couch" for the infamous White Swan Red couch photo. Apparently parents have been congregating at the couch and taking pictures of their group in traditional Chinese dress. Olivia looked adorable but hated the high collar & kept scratching at it. As in every photo I've seen -it is nearly impossible for all the kids to cooperate at the same time. Our little group ws no exception. Olivia did fairly well- but it was at prime eating/nap time so it only lasted so long.
The 3 girls I photographed alone are all from Olivia's orphanage in Xingye. The girl to her left was in the same room- they really seem to enjoy being around each other and recognize each other. One of them usually smacks at the other & takes the others toy. Today Olivia was the agressor. We have one lone boy in our group- he looks like a little emperor between all those girls! Abbey & I love have matching outfits- The Lucky Tailor did a great job- don't you think?
We also got good news from our facilitator- everything is clear for Olivia's visa to the USA. One member in our group had some issues with data not matching on their passport & papers. Please pray they get this corrected or they may have to travel back to their provence before they can leave.
Tomorrow is our oathe at the US embassey!!! The last step before our flight day early in the AM on the 25th. WAHOO!!!!!!
We snarfed down a quick sandwich after play time & had a minor breakthrough. Olivia actually ate a dozen small pieces of my bun from my subway sandwich!!! :) She actually seemed to enjoy it too!! Its the first thing she's eaten she didn't fight us on it. Praise God!! Keep praying for God's hand to heal her of this food aversion.
We all met later at the "red couch" for the infamous White Swan Red couch photo. Apparently parents have been congregating at the couch and taking pictures of their group in traditional Chinese dress. Olivia looked adorable but hated the high collar & kept scratching at it. As in every photo I've seen -it is nearly impossible for all the kids to cooperate at the same time. Our little group ws no exception. Olivia did fairly well- but it was at prime eating/nap time so it only lasted so long.
The 3 girls I photographed alone are all from Olivia's orphanage in Xingye. The girl to her left was in the same room- they really seem to enjoy being around each other and recognize each other. One of them usually smacks at the other & takes the others toy. Today Olivia was the agressor. We have one lone boy in our group- he looks like a little emperor between all those girls! Abbey & I love have matching outfits- The Lucky Tailor did a great job- don't you think?
We also got good news from our facilitator- everything is clear for Olivia's visa to the USA. One member in our group had some issues with data not matching on their passport & papers. Please pray they get this corrected or they may have to travel back to their provence before they can leave.
Tomorrow is our oathe at the US embassey!!! The last step before our flight day early in the AM on the 25th. WAHOO!!!!!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sunday-cultural arts museum
We are so ready to come home!! Nothing against China- but we got what we came for and we want to leave now. I am tired of the this city living! Unfortunately we have 2 more full days before we can leave, sigh.....
Today we visited the Guangdong Folk arts museum located in the Chen Clan Academy. This is a 120 year old building donated from money from the Chen clan from all the countries in Guangdong. Jackie Chan is a direct descendent from this clan. He is very well reveared in China for all the benevolent work he does for the poor children and not forgetting his roots.
They had very intricate artwork- of all types there- ceramic, straw fans, woodwork, sculptures, and our favorite- the needlework pictures. They are intricate pictures done entirely by needlework- unbelievably life like! The ivory carving were so very detailed. They have minurature carvings that you have to look through a magnifying glass to see- amazing! Mike & I commented that after you've seen a few shrines/museums- they start to run together after a while.
We made a quick trip to a Wal-Mart like store-only this was definately all Chinese for the chinese- no english anywhere. And have I mentioned how pushy they can be? No such thing as ladies & children first here. Especially dangerous is crossing the street- no pedestrian right of way here! Mike once got up to give our guide a seat- and she was amazed- and said no such courtesy exists here in China. People kept cutting us off- and 2-3 people just cut in front of us in line to check out. You literally have to put your cart within inches of the next person or they will use that to cut in. But I did finally get a eal coffee at Starbucks-yum!!! I also got the only coffee mug I have fpound in China so far as a souvenir for my collection.
Dinner was at a wonderful Italian restaurant on the island- The Dolce Vita. Not knock off italian- truly italian food- good price & excellent quality- We had 2x the food for 1/2 the cost of the hotel meal! Our little monkey though was very busy! She decided-with me sitting right next to her that she was tired of sitting. She eventually got twisted around until she was standing before we knew it!! We took a lovely walk down by the river back to the hotel. It is so different from the China I expected- I expected rural China without many amenities- but have been pleasantly surprised by the cosmopolitan feel.
I picked up my outfit at the Lucky Tailor- absolutely lovely! I didn't plan it - but Abbey picked a chinese dress out and it happened to be of the same material. I loved it so much Mike convinced me to buy another outfit. I didn't intend to but it matches the outfit we bought Belle! I hope Olivia doesn't mind in the future- but Mike drew the line on 2 outfits to match ! :)
And remember when I said she was a monkey- I wasn't kidding! We caught her climbing up the outside of her crib! She seemed so happy with herself!
Sorry for the late blogs- I am having access problems to my blogspot. It's the only site that jams- so I figure too many parents at the hotel are updating their blogs too!
Today we visited the Guangdong Folk arts museum located in the Chen Clan Academy. This is a 120 year old building donated from money from the Chen clan from all the countries in Guangdong. Jackie Chan is a direct descendent from this clan. He is very well reveared in China for all the benevolent work he does for the poor children and not forgetting his roots.
They had very intricate artwork- of all types there- ceramic, straw fans, woodwork, sculptures, and our favorite- the needlework pictures. They are intricate pictures done entirely by needlework- unbelievably life like! The ivory carving were so very detailed. They have minurature carvings that you have to look through a magnifying glass to see- amazing! Mike & I commented that after you've seen a few shrines/museums- they start to run together after a while.
We made a quick trip to a Wal-Mart like store-only this was definately all Chinese for the chinese- no english anywhere. And have I mentioned how pushy they can be? No such thing as ladies & children first here. Especially dangerous is crossing the street- no pedestrian right of way here! Mike once got up to give our guide a seat- and she was amazed- and said no such courtesy exists here in China. People kept cutting us off- and 2-3 people just cut in front of us in line to check out. You literally have to put your cart within inches of the next person or they will use that to cut in. But I did finally get a eal coffee at Starbucks-yum!!! I also got the only coffee mug I have fpound in China so far as a souvenir for my collection.
Dinner was at a wonderful Italian restaurant on the island- The Dolce Vita. Not knock off italian- truly italian food- good price & excellent quality- We had 2x the food for 1/2 the cost of the hotel meal! Our little monkey though was very busy! She decided-with me sitting right next to her that she was tired of sitting. She eventually got twisted around until she was standing before we knew it!! We took a lovely walk down by the river back to the hotel. It is so different from the China I expected- I expected rural China without many amenities- but have been pleasantly surprised by the cosmopolitan feel.
I picked up my outfit at the Lucky Tailor- absolutely lovely! I didn't plan it - but Abbey picked a chinese dress out and it happened to be of the same material. I loved it so much Mike convinced me to buy another outfit. I didn't intend to but it matches the outfit we bought Belle! I hope Olivia doesn't mind in the future- but Mike drew the line on 2 outfits to match ! :)
And remember when I said she was a monkey- I wasn't kidding! We caught her climbing up the outside of her crib! She seemed so happy with herself!
Sorry for the late blogs- I am having access problems to my blogspot. It's the only site that jams- so I figure too many parents at the hotel are updating their blogs too!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday- physical day-see photos :)
Today was physical day. After a fantastic buffet at the hotel we headed first to the visa photo place. On the way we got a tag along. Anisa -an 18 year old student- followed us for the next 1/2 hopur to practice her english.
She spoke very well and had a good grasp of the language. She was fascinated by the fact that this was our third child- something unheard of outside minority groups (who are allowed to have multiple children) or the rich who can pay the $30,000 dollar fine. The visa photo went off without a hitch- Olivia was a little angel- some kids threw a bloody fit to have theirs taken.
Next it was on to the Physical. As predictted Olivia was none too pleased to be there. We were herded through several differnet stations like cattle. We kept her in the stroller as much as possible because she is much calmer there. If she's out of the stroller she wants to be down exploring!! Not something I would recommend in most places here in China. I couldn't resist a picture underneath the chinese doctor sign.
It was a very simple questionare & physical. I tried to strike up a conversatin wiht the doctors but they were very abrupt and not personal at all. One of the questions asked if she had been sick in the time since we had gotten her. I only acknowledged a runny nose. Technically- I never took her temperature & she is better now- so I didn't want to say/do anything that would get her denied her Visa to the USA! She had a nasty blow out diaper from the zithromax while she was there- I thought sure they would question further- but praise God they didn't! If asked point blank if she had a fever last week- I would have had to say yes & admit to the Zithromax use. She is up to a whopping 18 pounds and 28.5 inches- needless to say she is still tiny!
FOr lunch we were grateful to find a Subway- although we starting laughing when we went to order. A Subway isn't the same without ANY fresh veggies- like lettuce/tomatoes on it! Buying meal here has been a challenge. We made the mistake of having lunch at the "Coffee shop" at the White swan. Coffee shop sounds inexpensive, right? Wrong- it cost us over $100 US dollars to eat 2 sandwichws , 2 soups, 3 waters & and a baby Congee! We won't be eating there again outside of the freebie breakfast buffet!
Dinner was even more interesting. We knew the hotel chinese restaurant was even more expensive than the lunch prices- so we asked our guide where a good Chinese restaurant was. She recomended J M Chef- a local place. Mistake #1- Never ask a chinese National where a good place to eat is. Mistake # 2- our guide said- All the restaurants on the island speak good english- our waiter understood NO english. Mistake # 3- never eat if you are the only white person in the room. The menu had no recognizable chinese dishes on it- instead it had delectable entrees like sea cucumber, water beetles & some maggot like item- and that was the recognizable things! Apparently they waste no part of anything over here! Most things we didn't know you could even eat! We did eventually order though a manager who spoke some english & got some Fried noodles, Sweet & sour chicken & pork. The food ws excellent at the end- and 7 of us ate for 1/2 the cost of our lunch at the White Swan!
We all took a short walk around the isand afterwards. And bullseye- I found Starbucks! It was too late to partake tonight but tomorrow- I am there!!!
She spoke very well and had a good grasp of the language. She was fascinated by the fact that this was our third child- something unheard of outside minority groups (who are allowed to have multiple children) or the rich who can pay the $30,000 dollar fine. The visa photo went off without a hitch- Olivia was a little angel- some kids threw a bloody fit to have theirs taken.
Next it was on to the Physical. As predictted Olivia was none too pleased to be there. We were herded through several differnet stations like cattle. We kept her in the stroller as much as possible because she is much calmer there. If she's out of the stroller she wants to be down exploring!! Not something I would recommend in most places here in China. I couldn't resist a picture underneath the chinese doctor sign.
It was a very simple questionare & physical. I tried to strike up a conversatin wiht the doctors but they were very abrupt and not personal at all. One of the questions asked if she had been sick in the time since we had gotten her. I only acknowledged a runny nose. Technically- I never took her temperature & she is better now- so I didn't want to say/do anything that would get her denied her Visa to the USA! She had a nasty blow out diaper from the zithromax while she was there- I thought sure they would question further- but praise God they didn't! If asked point blank if she had a fever last week- I would have had to say yes & admit to the Zithromax use. She is up to a whopping 18 pounds and 28.5 inches- needless to say she is still tiny!
FOr lunch we were grateful to find a Subway- although we starting laughing when we went to order. A Subway isn't the same without ANY fresh veggies- like lettuce/tomatoes on it! Buying meal here has been a challenge. We made the mistake of having lunch at the "Coffee shop" at the White swan. Coffee shop sounds inexpensive, right? Wrong- it cost us over $100 US dollars to eat 2 sandwichws , 2 soups, 3 waters & and a baby Congee! We won't be eating there again outside of the freebie breakfast buffet!
Dinner was even more interesting. We knew the hotel chinese restaurant was even more expensive than the lunch prices- so we asked our guide where a good Chinese restaurant was. She recomended J M Chef- a local place. Mistake #1- Never ask a chinese National where a good place to eat is. Mistake # 2- our guide said- All the restaurants on the island speak good english- our waiter understood NO english. Mistake # 3- never eat if you are the only white person in the room. The menu had no recognizable chinese dishes on it- instead it had delectable entrees like sea cucumber, water beetles & some maggot like item- and that was the recognizable things! Apparently they waste no part of anything over here! Most things we didn't know you could even eat! We did eventually order though a manager who spoke some english & got some Fried noodles, Sweet & sour chicken & pork. The food ws excellent at the end- and 7 of us ate for 1/2 the cost of our lunch at the White Swan!
We all took a short walk around the isand afterwards. And bullseye- I found Starbucks! It was too late to partake tonight but tomorrow- I am there!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thurs / Fri - Mountain Park & Guangzhou
We've had a busy 2 days- I ran out of time to post yesterday! Then I had internet problems- sorry everyone!
Thursday mornig we visited a Nanning park- Qing Xiu Moutain park. It was a 1/2 hour drive out of Nanning. We took a winding (luckily paved) road up a moutian overlooking Nanning. There were many shrines & gardens on the way. I am struck by how well manicured the gardens and roadways are here. You always see someone working on the landscape & roadways everywhere you go. Even the underpasses here are beautifiully landscaped gardens. Mike & I were commenting though that we have not truly seen China. We have only visited major metropolitan areas- where 30% of China's population live. 70% live in the rural areas outside of cities. We have seen only a small portion of the 30%. We have not seen any of the other 70%.
Sorry I got sidetracked- the park was beautiful! We stopped at the top for a beautiful view on Nanning down below. Abbey once again was popular to the locals.
Our guide Judy said she heard many people talking about how she looks like Barbie & is very beautiful. Who knows how many chinese people will have picture of my oldest by the time we leave! There also was a chinese girl who asked to have a picture taken with Olivia. I am proud to say she refused to go with her & clung to me! :) I think we are finally becoming more than just nice people who care for her- but family! I almost cried!!
We then went to beautiful manmade pond & fed the fish. I have never seen such a feeding frenzy like this before. Abbey & Olivia really seemes to love the fish alot. We also rented a smal motor boat & had a 20 minute ride around the pond. Olivia must have loved the gentle rocking becuae she actuall y was lulled to sleep in a few minutes. Mike & I have commented that she is ether full speed ahead or she crashes & falls a sleep- we really haven't seen any in between stage!
We spent the rest of the day napping & packing for our early AM trip to Guangzhou-our final detination before we can bring Olivia home. She is much like Tom Hanks in the movie "The Terminal" right now- a girl without a country. In the eyes of China she is no longer a Chinsese citizen but our responsibility. But until she is issued a US Visa- we can not bring her back to the States!
We had to be ready leave & packed by 5:00 AM- the bus left at 5:45! Yikes- but Abbey & Olivia were troopers- course they got more sleep since we were up late packing for them.Olivia did great on her first plane trip. She was wound tighter that a top at first then crashed and slept the whole trip shortly after take off. Hopefully she will do as well on the long flight home!
We got checked in the famous White Swan hotel. In previous years most adopting families stayed here when the Consulate building as across the street. It has since moved down the street - but it is still an adoption favorite. Appearance/cleanliness wise it is the best so far.
It seems Chinese clean & american clean are 2 different things. Even in 5 star hotels there seems to be a layer of grime on tables/counters. The carpets are abosolutely filthy! Oh and everyone in China seems to smoke. There is seldom any no smoking zones. I forgot how nice we have it in America before I came here. Even for the official adoption stuff- men have been smoking in the same rooms as our precious babies! Our last hotel even had lovely mold on the shower- definately not something you would see in the same caliber hotel on the states. The worst thing is the beds- they are the hardest I have ever slept on - or should I say tried to sleep on. I will be so grateful to return home to my Select Comfort Bed!!!
We got to explore some of the penisula we are stayin on. It seems very family friendly- most stores speak some english-they don't seem to want to bargain as much here. We have been able to finish most of our souvenir shopping. I am even having a pant suit custom made for me (the chinese don't really carry clothing for us fluffy girls) for only $65 american dollars at the Lucky Tailor across from the hotel. I'll let you know if it was worth it when I pick it up in a few days!
We also ate at the famous Lucy's a restaurant that caters to americans and serves traditional american food with an american decor. It seemes weird not to be eating with chopsticks after the last 1 1/2 weeks. I did have my first good cup of coffee there. I'm told there is a Starbucks here but I haven't found it ....yet! :)
Tomorrow we have Olivia's physical for her American visa- I'm sure she is going to love it!!
Thursday mornig we visited a Nanning park- Qing Xiu Moutain park. It was a 1/2 hour drive out of Nanning. We took a winding (luckily paved) road up a moutian overlooking Nanning. There were many shrines & gardens on the way. I am struck by how well manicured the gardens and roadways are here. You always see someone working on the landscape & roadways everywhere you go. Even the underpasses here are beautifiully landscaped gardens. Mike & I were commenting though that we have not truly seen China. We have only visited major metropolitan areas- where 30% of China's population live. 70% live in the rural areas outside of cities. We have seen only a small portion of the 30%. We have not seen any of the other 70%.
Sorry I got sidetracked- the park was beautiful! We stopped at the top for a beautiful view on Nanning down below. Abbey once again was popular to the locals.
Our guide Judy said she heard many people talking about how she looks like Barbie & is very beautiful. Who knows how many chinese people will have picture of my oldest by the time we leave! There also was a chinese girl who asked to have a picture taken with Olivia. I am proud to say she refused to go with her & clung to me! :) I think we are finally becoming more than just nice people who care for her- but family! I almost cried!!
We then went to beautiful manmade pond & fed the fish. I have never seen such a feeding frenzy like this before. Abbey & Olivia really seemes to love the fish alot. We also rented a smal motor boat & had a 20 minute ride around the pond. Olivia must have loved the gentle rocking becuae she actuall y was lulled to sleep in a few minutes. Mike & I have commented that she is ether full speed ahead or she crashes & falls a sleep- we really haven't seen any in between stage!
We spent the rest of the day napping & packing for our early AM trip to Guangzhou-our final detination before we can bring Olivia home. She is much like Tom Hanks in the movie "The Terminal" right now- a girl without a country. In the eyes of China she is no longer a Chinsese citizen but our responsibility. But until she is issued a US Visa- we can not bring her back to the States!
We had to be ready leave & packed by 5:00 AM- the bus left at 5:45! Yikes- but Abbey & Olivia were troopers- course they got more sleep since we were up late packing for them.Olivia did great on her first plane trip. She was wound tighter that a top at first then crashed and slept the whole trip shortly after take off. Hopefully she will do as well on the long flight home!
We got checked in the famous White Swan hotel. In previous years most adopting families stayed here when the Consulate building as across the street. It has since moved down the street - but it is still an adoption favorite. Appearance/cleanliness wise it is the best so far.
It seems Chinese clean & american clean are 2 different things. Even in 5 star hotels there seems to be a layer of grime on tables/counters. The carpets are abosolutely filthy! Oh and everyone in China seems to smoke. There is seldom any no smoking zones. I forgot how nice we have it in America before I came here. Even for the official adoption stuff- men have been smoking in the same rooms as our precious babies! Our last hotel even had lovely mold on the shower- definately not something you would see in the same caliber hotel on the states. The worst thing is the beds- they are the hardest I have ever slept on - or should I say tried to sleep on. I will be so grateful to return home to my Select Comfort Bed!!!
We got to explore some of the penisula we are stayin on. It seems very family friendly- most stores speak some english-they don't seem to want to bargain as much here. We have been able to finish most of our souvenir shopping. I am even having a pant suit custom made for me (the chinese don't really carry clothing for us fluffy girls) for only $65 american dollars at the Lucky Tailor across from the hotel. I'll let you know if it was worth it when I pick it up in a few days!
We also ate at the famous Lucy's a restaurant that caters to americans and serves traditional american food with an american decor. It seemes weird not to be eating with chopsticks after the last 1 1/2 weeks. I did have my first good cup of coffee there. I'm told there is a Starbucks here but I haven't found it ....yet! :)
Tomorrow we have Olivia's physical for her American visa- I'm sure she is going to love it!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Feb18th-Nanning Zoo/Park
Today was a very low key day- basically free time to fulfill the 5 day in Province requirement in Guangxi province for the adoption. I am so happy to be here- but we all are ready to go HOME!!! We live on a very quiet acre of land in the country side in Tennessee-our nearest neighbors to one side are cattle that are grazing. This constant hustle & bustle of the city is getting on our nerves!!
I am amazed at all the cars,bike & mopeds that are on the street. There is constant horn blowing yet there doesn't appear to be any road rage- they all merrily go along after nearly getting into an accident time & time again. It is especially scary since they do not use carseats here in China. Neither do they use bicycle helmets. They do sometimes use a helmet of sort on the Mopeds. I am amazed at what they haul and carry on these things!
Abbey & I visited the NannIng zoo with our group. Olivia ran a fever through the night & was coughing so she stayed behind in the hotel with daddy. It was a very nice zoo- comparable to the smaller Akron zoo we visited all the time on Ohio. It had some nice shows- we caught part of the lion/elephant show- Abbey & I even got our picture taken on one! The seal/dolphin show was nice- but not knowing any chinese did lessen the impact somewhat. :) We have been very spoiled in America becuase most zooa have gone to a more natural habitat fo rthe animals. Most here where very much locked up in cages- very sad.
Luckily when we got back her fever seems down & she is acting better. Thank goodness for American medicine I brought along. I shudder to think of having to go to a hosptial here after the horror stories I have heard!
We dined out across from the hotel with another couple who adoptd an older child. We are all becoming quite adept at using chopsticks- because most restaurants have no forks available.
I am however concerned for Olivia's eating. Every other child in our group seems to be devoring any food put in front of them- not our Olivia! I keep praying she doesn't want to eat because of being ill & the transition. But I am more & more convinced she has a food aversion. Apparently children who have been institutionalized do 1 of 2 behaviours- devore food whenever it is available and eat even beyond full since they never know when the food will be available or 2- The other group -because they have been force fed as quickly as possible to meet nutritional needs but not social/loving needs- will not eat. We have to struggle to even get her to take a bottle. I have learned the Chinese word for eat and using a large chinese type spoon she will take some congee- a rice soup/porridge made with a meat broth. It broke my heart when I realized tonight she doesn't know how to eat off a spoon but expects it to be shoveled down her mouth!! Please pray for Olivia that God can heal her of this issue. She turns her head and visibly pushes all food away- even the bottle unless we force the issue.
This afternoon Mike , Abbey, Olivia & I braved a walk to a nearby park. It was such a beautiful day- mid eighties. But everyone here was still bundles with coats. Apparently the Chinese like their children to be warm on the inside & out!! We are told they will scold you if you go out with a child and don't have their arms covered- even in 100 degree weather! Olivia absolutely loves hestroller- she is a real people watcher. We got a lot of stares- one group on a paddle boat even paddled close to shore to take our family picture! aAnother lady accosted Abbey & tried to pick her up and even kissed her. I guess her chubbiness amuses them since so many of them are genetically thin here. I am just grateful Abbey isn't embarassed by it- or aware why they are giving her some of the attention.
VI- I know you are following- can you make sure to pull out the burgundy portable crib in Belle's bedroom closet so we can put it up in our Bedroom? I hope Belle is treating Carol & you right! XOXOXOX
Thank you all for your prayers & notes of encouragemenT! We are really getting homesick & it means a lot!!
I am amazed at all the cars,bike & mopeds that are on the street. There is constant horn blowing yet there doesn't appear to be any road rage- they all merrily go along after nearly getting into an accident time & time again. It is especially scary since they do not use carseats here in China. Neither do they use bicycle helmets. They do sometimes use a helmet of sort on the Mopeds. I am amazed at what they haul and carry on these things!
Abbey & I visited the NannIng zoo with our group. Olivia ran a fever through the night & was coughing so she stayed behind in the hotel with daddy. It was a very nice zoo- comparable to the smaller Akron zoo we visited all the time on Ohio. It had some nice shows- we caught part of the lion/elephant show- Abbey & I even got our picture taken on one! The seal/dolphin show was nice- but not knowing any chinese did lessen the impact somewhat. :) We have been very spoiled in America becuase most zooa have gone to a more natural habitat fo rthe animals. Most here where very much locked up in cages- very sad.
Luckily when we got back her fever seems down & she is acting better. Thank goodness for American medicine I brought along. I shudder to think of having to go to a hosptial here after the horror stories I have heard!
We dined out across from the hotel with another couple who adoptd an older child. We are all becoming quite adept at using chopsticks- because most restaurants have no forks available.
I am however concerned for Olivia's eating. Every other child in our group seems to be devoring any food put in front of them- not our Olivia! I keep praying she doesn't want to eat because of being ill & the transition. But I am more & more convinced she has a food aversion. Apparently children who have been institutionalized do 1 of 2 behaviours- devore food whenever it is available and eat even beyond full since they never know when the food will be available or 2- The other group -because they have been force fed as quickly as possible to meet nutritional needs but not social/loving needs- will not eat. We have to struggle to even get her to take a bottle. I have learned the Chinese word for eat and using a large chinese type spoon she will take some congee- a rice soup/porridge made with a meat broth. It broke my heart when I realized tonight she doesn't know how to eat off a spoon but expects it to be shoveled down her mouth!! Please pray for Olivia that God can heal her of this issue. She turns her head and visibly pushes all food away- even the bottle unless we force the issue.
This afternoon Mike , Abbey, Olivia & I braved a walk to a nearby park. It was such a beautiful day- mid eighties. But everyone here was still bundles with coats. Apparently the Chinese like their children to be warm on the inside & out!! We are told they will scold you if you go out with a child and don't have their arms covered- even in 100 degree weather! Olivia absolutely loves hestroller- she is a real people watcher. We got a lot of stares- one group on a paddle boat even paddled close to shore to take our family picture! aAnother lady accosted Abbey & tried to pick her up and even kissed her. I guess her chubbiness amuses them since so many of them are genetically thin here. I am just grateful Abbey isn't embarassed by it- or aware why they are giving her some of the attention.
VI- I know you are following- can you make sure to pull out the burgundy portable crib in Belle's bedroom closet so we can put it up in our Bedroom? I hope Belle is treating Carol & you right! XOXOXOX
Thank you all for your prayers & notes of encouragemenT! We are really getting homesick & it means a lot!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Feb17th- Finalize Chinese adoption paperwork
Today was the day we finalized the Chinese end of Olivia's adoption. We went back to the same hotel- but actually got to go through the front door this time instead of sneaking into the back!
We waited in the same room as last time and then met with an official of the Chinese government. They asked us if we still intended to adopt Olivia. Apparently some people have refused after the first 24 hours. I can't imagine anyone doing that after all the wait- but I guess better up front then later on. The official got a kick out of Mike being a stay-at-home-dad- she laughed and said " That's good for fathers" They also asked inane questions like- will you love her the same as your other children- will you promise not to abuse or abandon her. Of course we answered no- but would anyone ever answer yes?
Then Mike & I officially signed our names & stamped our thumbprints on the documents. They even made Olivia get her foot stamped on the paper too! She wasn't too thrilled- but we got it done!
Olivia got to see a few of her nannies again today. They really seemed to love her and kept coming back to hold or speak to her. At one point Olivia was crawling on the floor- saw them standing at the door and just took off for them to pick her up. I was so grateful to know she was so cared for- she seemed to be a favorite from how I saw them interact with her and the other 2 girls from her orphanage.
The next stop was the Notary- also in the back of a hotel. This lady asked only a few questions. We were surprised to see her dressed in a sweat suit- not exactly what we expected to be the final leg of our Chinese adoption. (At least from the Chinese end) Now we have to stay a minimum of 5 days in her provence before traveling to Guangzhou to go to the US Consulate to get her Visa to return home.
We then enjoyed a lunch at McDonalds. Milkshakes here aren't quite the same as in America- I think because they use ultra-parteurized or canned milk. The Big Mac was also weird without the lettuce. One member of our group has already gotten the stomach bug from forgetting to hold the ice in a drink. Neither MIke & I wish to follow suit- sop we will muddl ethrough the next 8 days!
I did however face the challenge of the Squatty potty. I HAD to go & that is all McDOnalds had. All in all it went better than expected but
I much prefer the Western version. Abbey apparently has a bigger bladder because she held it for several more hours till we got back to the hotel! That a girl!! :)
We then went back to Walmart to pick up the things we forgot the first time. It is so hard to get clothes because she is too skinny for 12 months clothes- but definately needs the length. We guessed what we thought was her size since they measured them in numbers we didn't understand. Olivia loved being wheeled around in the cart- she so likes to watch what everyone else is doing.
After we got back to the hotel she got very crankly & we realized she was running a fever. I had noticed her pulling on her ear the day before- but thought it was just because she was teething. Turns out she had an ear infection. I felt bad I had not checked the day before. SO... bad mommy/doctor started her on the ZIthromax I had brought along. I have looked at a few other kids & given some medical wisdom. Luckily no one has taken advantage of the fact I am a doctor. I don't mind helping out as long as they don't get intrusive and they realize I'm not here as a doctor but a mommy, you know?
She's sleeping peacefully now- hopefully the Motrin & Zithromax will get her feeling better soon. Even being sick- we got our first laugh today!!! We'd had an occasional smile- buit no laugh till today. It was so heart warmng to hear her belly laugh! She still is slow to show affection- and doesn't really like to be comforted when she is held. That's really strange for Mike & I since both our other lids are big snugglers- especially at nighttime at this age!! We are taking it slow- letting her initiate more contact as she feels more comfortable with us.
Please pray she and other members of the group wil be on the mend. Its no fun traveling sick or with a sick kid!!
VI- give Belle a big kiss and hug from us!!!!!!!! We miss her so much & hearing her voice on the phone briefly today made us miss her more!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
GOTCHA DAY--Here's Olivia!!
Well we woke up this morning - exhausted from an abbreviated night's sleep. We all did ok though knowing we were getting to see Olivia today. The weather is completely opposite here. The cold front is holding off for a few days so we should see 80's for the entire week. Of course I frantically re-packed and took out a lot of warm wether clothes when I thought it was going to be cold earlier.....guess you'll see me in the same few outfits in the pictures :)
We had an all too brief stop at WalMart for supplies. We endured many stares as we went through the store- some things were in english- most were not!! The neatest thing was an escalator for you & the shopping cart to go between different levels. Of course it took to the very end to find the baby section so we missed a few items. Enjot these photos- I was told later photos are forbidden in WalMart! I'm not sure what will happen if they catch me- but I got away with it for now. :)
A few minute drive away we stopped at a hotel were the Civil affairs office is located on the 4th floor. It kind of felt like they were trying to hide this exchange of children away from their country. Our bus dropped us off at the rear entrance. We were shuttled into an official room with no chairs. We had to wait for a few minutes since all the children from our group had not yet arrived.
Then- we saw her in the holding room- our Olivia!!!!!!!!!!!
She had the picture pillow we had sent her with the family picture on it!! Mike & I started crying as we realized we were finally face to face with the little girl we had been praying for for over 3 years!! It is so hard to describe how that felt. They then brought the girls in one by one & called out their Chinese name. We then went up to get them- and suddenly my arms were no longer empty. Some children cried- one little girl cried for over 1 hour - I felt so sorry for her mother!! Olivia never let out a whimper-she was bright eyed & alert-she must have got a nap oi the 6-8 hour drive over from her orphanage. She watched every one and was interested in all that went on in the room. She wanted to crawl and explore. You could just see the gears going in her head as she wanted to explore everything around her. I think we have our work cut out for us - for I fear she will be into everything all the time!! I still wonder how Belle's gonna handle her exploring into her territory.
She is tiny as I expected- she can't weigh more that 17-18 pounds. The size 9 months are big on her girth wise but getting short in the legs. I 've never had a skinny kid before- once my kids caught up from being premature- they always plumped up! This seems very different
We spent a quite day bonding with her and a quiet meal in the hotel restaurent. We noted others went out with their children to nearby restaurants. Mike & I are homebodies by nature- but we really liked not fighting the noise & crowds to eat out. We had the entire restaurant in the hotel to ourselves- so she was quite doted on by the waiters. They would run in and pick up her dropped toys before we even had a chance to. She really does seem to love toys that make sounds! Anything that makes noise seems to amuse her.
Well- need to get her down for nighttime since she missed a nap- talk to you all soon
We had an all too brief stop at WalMart for supplies. We endured many stares as we went through the store- some things were in english- most were not!! The neatest thing was an escalator for you & the shopping cart to go between different levels. Of course it took to the very end to find the baby section so we missed a few items. Enjot these photos- I was told later photos are forbidden in WalMart! I'm not sure what will happen if they catch me- but I got away with it for now. :)
A few minute drive away we stopped at a hotel were the Civil affairs office is located on the 4th floor. It kind of felt like they were trying to hide this exchange of children away from their country. Our bus dropped us off at the rear entrance. We were shuttled into an official room with no chairs. We had to wait for a few minutes since all the children from our group had not yet arrived.
Then- we saw her in the holding room- our Olivia!!!!!!!!!!!
She had the picture pillow we had sent her with the family picture on it!! Mike & I started crying as we realized we were finally face to face with the little girl we had been praying for for over 3 years!! It is so hard to describe how that felt. They then brought the girls in one by one & called out their Chinese name. We then went up to get them- and suddenly my arms were no longer empty. Some children cried- one little girl cried for over 1 hour - I felt so sorry for her mother!! Olivia never let out a whimper-she was bright eyed & alert-she must have got a nap oi the 6-8 hour drive over from her orphanage. She watched every one and was interested in all that went on in the room. She wanted to crawl and explore. You could just see the gears going in her head as she wanted to explore everything around her. I think we have our work cut out for us - for I fear she will be into everything all the time!! I still wonder how Belle's gonna handle her exploring into her territory.
She is tiny as I expected- she can't weigh more that 17-18 pounds. The size 9 months are big on her girth wise but getting short in the legs. I 've never had a skinny kid before- once my kids caught up from being premature- they always plumped up! This seems very different
We spent a quite day bonding with her and a quiet meal in the hotel restaurent. We noted others went out with their children to nearby restaurants. Mike & I are homebodies by nature- but we really liked not fighting the noise & crowds to eat out. We had the entire restaurant in the hotel to ourselves- so she was quite doted on by the waiters. They would run in and pick up her dropped toys before we even had a chance to. She really does seem to love toys that make sounds! Anything that makes noise seems to amuse her.
Well- need to get her down for nighttime since she missed a nap- talk to you all soon
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Feb15th-Temple of Heaven/leave Beijing
Feb 15th
Today we had to pack and check out of the hotel before our last day of sightseeing in
Beijing. We visited the Temple of Heaven. It is the oldest temple in China- built in 1400.
It is a beautiful circular building were the emperor came to fast, pray & sacrifice to God on behalf of the people. Lisa- our guide said there are many similarities to this "God" and the God of the Bible- one singular God in heaven- whose name was above all other names. It wasn't until later years that the Indian influence of Buddha came to China.
Lunch was spent at a lovely original Chinese restaurant where we finally experienced Peking duck. Mike loved it - Abbey & I thought it was ok. All in all still the best meal we have had in China to date. The presentation here is interesting- food often comes to the table- complete with heads & other parts we would NEVER eat in America!
The biggest adventure of the day was spent at the Pearl Market. It is a 6 story building set up with hundreds of stalls of wares. There is everything from electronics, video/nintedo games, luggage, purses, pearls, jewelry, clothing etc... where you barter for a good price. Mike & I stink at this in general but did a fairly good job on some really good bargains for some authentic Chinese souvenirs. It helped that our Chinese facilitor was looking over our shoulders telling us if we had a good price. By the end I was tired of people yelling at me "Hey Lady - I give you good deal" and grabbing at me. I HATE pushy salesman- this was even worse! When they started grabbing Abbey- I yelled at a few and said we were done.
We then headed to the airport for a late flight to Nanning- the city were we get Olivia!!!!!!!! We are exhausted - we didn't get settled in till 2:30AM and had to get ready for GOtcha day today!!!!!!!! We get Olivia today at 3 PM!!!!!!!! It is hard to believe in a few short hours our lives will be changed forever!!!
On a different note- we know there are a couple of families out there who are about to get ready to go China. We thought we would include a little FYI on expenses...
We were told from many people pack light, pack light, pack light, and there is wisdom in this...treking through the airport with fewer suitcases is easier!! The overriding reason for telling us this though was that domestic travel in China has tighter restrictions.
Turns out it's not that big a deal. On the trip over, you are allowed two 50 pound
suitcases each. In China, you are only allowed one 44 pound suitcase a piece. One couple didn't read the directions and brought 2 full 50 pound suitcases each. The fee for the extra suitcases (and extra weight) was about 100 chinese dollars (about $15 US). On top of that it's going to cost us over $100 (US) to do our laundry while we're here because we did pack light.
We're not suggesting to anyone they "violate" the directions given to them by their
adoption agency. We just thought it was interesting...
Also we were told to bring 5-6 gift bags- I brought 8 thinking I had a cushion. I gave 2 to our guide & busdriver in Beijing. Last night we were told we would need 8 while here- now I am short 2-grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I guess gifts bought in China are better than no gifts at all.
Stay tuned tomorrow for ....................OLIVIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Feb 14th- The Great wall-updated
Feb 14th- We started out bright and early for the Great Wall. It has been cold here in Beijing as you can see from the pictures-in the 40's so we have had to be bundled up. It is amazing to see just a small piece of this marvel. It stretches for 4,000 miles and in terrain that seems impossible to walk on, let alone build a structure. Our guide told us many peasant-slave laborers lost their lives building it & were buried in the wall itself. We wanted to climb a good chunk of it it but with Abbey, the cold and all of our asthmas flaring up we settled for just a samll section. Even from there the view was breathtaking (literally & figuritively! :) The Badaling section we were on wa sconstructe din the MIng dynasty in 1500's and restored with guardrails in 1950 & 1980. Even with them we found it very steep and somewhat treacherous.
We later had a meal in a small local restaurant where the chicken dish came with parts I didn't know people ate. Abbey said she would try a foot since a missionary kid here was gonna eat one- but really just took a nibble & said she was full. I admired the fact she even offered because even in America she can be extremely picky!
I forgot to include we went to the Olympic arena- got to see the Bird's Nest, Water cube & Olympic park up close. We opted not to go inside to see either empty stadium- at $9 US dollars /person it seemed a little high for us just to walk in & say we had seen it. Abbey of course was the center of attention again- many pictures taken of her by total strangers!
The afternoon we went to an amazing acrobatic show- much like a Cirque du Soleil exhibition. Only here the show was done by children aged 7-20ish. It would be more amzing if I wasn't saddened by how much the government controlled their lives to make them perform, Much like olympic athletes-skilled children are selected at a young age & trained hard for 4 + hours EVERY day! What they can do is amazing but at what sacrifice to their childhood?
MOst of us were exhausted so the Peking duck dinner was canceled. We had our worse meal in the hotel itself. No one wanted to go out again- but the waiters screwed up every order. It was recognizable but just off the mark for taste/quality we would expect in America.
Abbey & I have a new appreciation for American plumbing. They have the infamous squat potty here. Literally it is a porcelain hole in the floor with pads on either side where you squat to go. ( Above is a miniature version from the orphan school) In a clinical sense I see how it is more sanitary but I for one can't bend as well as I used to. So far we have been lucky enough to find at least 1 western style the group can take turn using or hold it till we can. The attendants in the baths act offended when we will not use the squat toilets. They also do not place ANY paper products in the toilet itself. All paper products are disposed of in a wastebasket next to the toilet. Do you know how hard it is to do that? It's just habit to want to dispose of it in the toilet! It is also rather...aromatic if you catch my drift! I have a new appreciation for even the worst rest stop bathroom now!
Today we have a short excursion to a Chinese mall / pearl center. Sheila hopes to get matching necklaces for her and all the girls. We also hope to see the "Temple of Heaven". It may be the oldest Temple in China, and our guide told us that in the oldest section (not accessable to the public), there are refences to "The God who has no name, and has no graven image"...
Tonight we have a late flight (leave at 9:00 PM local time) and get into Nanning around Midnight. TOMORROW IS GOTCHA DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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