We are so ready to come home!! Nothing against China- but we got what we came for and we want to leave now. I am tired of the this city living! Unfortunately we have 2 more full days before we can leave, sigh.....
Today we visited the Guangdong Folk arts museum located in the Chen Clan Academy. This is a 120 year old building donated from money from the Chen clan from all the countries in Guangdong. Jackie Chan is a direct descendent from this clan. He is very well reveared in China for all the benevolent work he does for the poor children and not forgetting his roots.
They had very intricate artwork- of all types there- ceramic, straw fans, woodwork, sculptures, and our favorite- the needlework pictures. They are intricate pictures done entirely by needlework- unbelievably life like! The ivory carving were so very detailed. They have minurature carvings that you have to look through a magnifying glass to see- amazing! Mike & I commented that after you've seen a few shrines/museums- they start to run together after a while.
We made a quick trip to a Wal-Mart like store-only this was definately all Chinese for the chinese- no english anywhere. And have I mentioned how pushy they can be? No such thing as ladies & children first here. Especially dangerous is crossing the street- no pedestrian right of way here! Mike once got up to give our guide a seat- and she was amazed- and said no such courtesy exists here in China. People kept cutting us off- and 2-3 people just cut in front of us in line to check out. You literally have to put your cart within inches of the next person or they will use that to cut in. But I did finally get a eal coffee at Starbucks-yum!!! I also got the only coffee mug I have fpound in China so far as a souvenir for my collection.
Dinner was at a wonderful Italian restaurant on the island- The Dolce Vita. Not knock off italian- truly italian food- good price & excellent quality- We had 2x the food for 1/2 the cost of the hotel meal! Our little monkey though was very busy! She decided-with me sitting right next to her that she was tired of sitting. She eventually got twisted around until she was standing before we knew it!! We took a lovely walk down by the river back to the hotel. It is so different from the China I expected- I expected rural China without many amenities- but have been pleasantly surprised by the cosmopolitan feel.
I picked up my outfit at the Lucky Tailor- absolutely lovely! I didn't plan it - but Abbey picked a chinese dress out and it happened to be of the same material. I loved it so much Mike convinced me to buy another outfit. I didn't intend to but it matches the outfit we bought Belle! I hope Olivia doesn't mind in the future- but Mike drew the line on 2 outfits to match ! :)
And remember when I said she was a monkey- I wasn't kidding! We caught her climbing up the outside of her crib! She seemed so happy with herself!
Sorry for the late blogs- I am having access problems to my blogspot. It's the only site that jams- so I figure too many parents at the hotel are updating their blogs too!
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