Monday, March 23, 2009

Olivia update-pictures to come- sorry:)

I know many have been asking how Olivia is doing. She is much improved- her fever has resolved- her appetite is back and she is her happy self. Unfortunately her urine is still abnormal- despite 2 negative cultures- and antibiotics-her urine is still positive for WBC 's -but thankfully negative for blood & crystals. It was disappointing to see any WBC when she is obviously feeling so well. Hopefully it will not be significant!

The VCUG test was normal but we had to reschedule the renal ultrasound to this Friday- since we missed our appointment last week for bad traffic in Nashville. I just found out the urine results tonight so I will be calling the docotor to see how to proceed tomorrow. It is only mildly abnormal- so hopefulllythat means we are out of the woods!! :)

The rest of her labs have been good- besides some anemia- everything else has been normal. She has no immunity to any of the vaccines they gave her so we will have to start all over from scratch. Poor Olivia!! She has been such a trooper with all this testing!

She is making great strides though- she now is walking everywhere- something she didn't do 2 weeks ago! She does what I call the monkey walk- that cute - broadbased gait with her arms up for balance- very sweet!! She is also eating better- as long as it is finger foods. Still no spoon feeding- but she can now do Cheerios & graham crackers very well and even chews them.


  1. I just got back to your sight Skip and I can't believe this. How high was her creatinine? Did u get word back if she was exposed to the poison? We are praying for her & you. I wish I could do something more. Seth had to revaccinated on 2 of his vaccine, Hanna was ok both from the same orphanage.
    Our hearts r with u. Denise

  2. I have been following close to see how Olivia is doing since our daughter is from the same orphanage and brought home just a week or two later. We have one of the girls in her birthday photos.
