Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday- Feb 23rd-Red Couch photos

We didn't really hsve a lot going on today. We spent some time playing in playroom in the White Swan hotel. It 's equippped by Mattel and has numerous mostly toddler toys for the kids to blow off some steam. Olivia seemed to enjoy it & didn't seem too overwhelmed.

We snarfed down a quick sandwich after play time & had a minor breakthrough. Olivia actually ate a dozen small pieces of my bun from my subway sandwich!!! :) She actually seemed to enjoy it too!! Its the first thing she's eaten she didn't fight us on it. Praise God!! Keep praying for God's hand to heal her of this food aversion.

We all met later at the "red couch" for the infamous White Swan Red couch photo. Apparently parents have been congregating at the couch and taking pictures of their group in traditional Chinese dress. Olivia looked adorable but hated the high collar & kept scratching at it. As in every photo I've seen -it is nearly impossible for all the kids to cooperate at the same time. Our little group ws no exception. Olivia did fairly well- but it was at prime eating/nap time so it only lasted so long.

The 3 girls I photographed alone are all from Olivia's orphanage in Xingye. The girl to her left was in the same room- they really seem to enjoy being around each other and recognize each other. One of them usually smacks at the other & takes the others toy. Today Olivia was the agressor. We have one lone boy in our group- he looks like a little emperor between all those girls! Abbey & I love have matching outfits- The Lucky Tailor did a great job- don't you think?

We also got good news from our facilitator- everything is clear for Olivia's visa to the USA. One member in our group had some issues with data not matching on their passport & papers. Please pray they get this corrected or they may have to travel back to their provence before they can leave.

Tomorrow is our oathe at the US embassey!!! The last step before our flight day early in the AM on the 25th. WAHOO!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I got your post about our girls being crib mates. That is so awesome. Girl, I could cry for my baby - she can not be put down. She is the only one from the group acting this way. She is precious and sweet, but I'm a bit worried. I know she needs lots of time and holding and I'm more than willing - I just want her to trust us. :0) And as I write this with her in the ergo, she just gave me a big smile. Hey, once we get our photos developed - we got two cameras & a video camera back - of course we'll share w/ you too!
